Conference Archive
Deep Commons 22
Hosted by the Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork, Ireland, in association with La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology, Mississippi, USA
Building on the growing body of work that repositions love, care and solidarity relations as central to social reproduction and fundamentally constitutive of society, our first conference explored the interdependent and entangled nature of contemporary political struggles, linking ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and indigenous politics intersectionally, and extending our understanding of what constitutes revolutionary transformation towards a far more comprehensive redefinition of our social ecologies across all spheres of life.
The event involved over 120 speakers and a diverse range of panel presentations, workshops, discussion, and an online exhibition - bringing together activists and scholars from across the world to focus on one key question: How do we do it? How do we cultivate ecologies of solidarity and care beyond capitalism, anthroparchy, patriarchy, racism and the state?
You can read the full conference programme here
Conference Recordings
Opening Session & Keynote 1
Ashish Kothari. Eco-swaraj: Transformations towards a Just pluriverse.
Keynote 2
Marina Sitrin. Cultivating Affective Commons: Love, Solidarity and Care as Revolutionary Practice.
Keynote 3
Richard J. White. Cultivating Multispecies Ecologies of Solidarity and Care through a Politics of Total Liberation.
Panel Session
Cultivating Affective Commons.
Panel Session
Mutual Aid: Resisting domination by cultivating ecologies of solidarity and care.
Panel Session
Practicing communal care in Rojava and Chiapas.
Panel Session
Maternal Gift Economy - A New Paradigm.
Commoning Pods - Bridging material realities and collective futures (Additional info here)
Housing, homelessness and building networks of solidarity and mutual aid.
Panel Session
Cultivating ecologies of solidarity and care through artistic commons.
Panel Session
Cultivating Political Ecologies of
Solidarity and Care.
Panel Session
Cultivating political repertoires of solidarity and care at the grassroots.
Panel Session
Cultivating Indigenous ecologies
of solidarity and care.
#Commonize Studio.
Connective practices in community integrated arts, nature and tradition-based learning
and care across the division of Cyprus.
Special Session
In search of the Impossible Community - a dialogue with Laurence Davis and John P. Clark.
Panel session
Towards multi-species justice.
Panel Session
Towards Radical Ecological Democracy.
Panel Session
Reconnecting with the Earth: Cultivating more-than-human ecologies of solidarity and care.
CO-CREATORS: Paradisial nudity as fundamental for community recovery by revealing and accepting truth.
Panel Session
Labours of Love - Valorising and
Democratising Care Work.
Building Care and Health Commons.
The Alchemy of Grief.
Panel Session
Post-Development: Cultivating pluriversal ecologies of solidarity and care.
Panel Session
Cultivating New Urban Ecologies
of Solidarity and Care
'They fuck you up your mum and dad.'
The Oppressed Identity: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mutual Aid.
Panel Session
Caring with/in Nature.
Closing Session
John P. Clark. 'A Rehumanization Revolution: Restoring the Deep Commons.